Asset management

Consulting & Strategic Deployment / Risk Management & Regulatory Developments

Implementation of a standardized validation method & Valuation model review

Approach & Implementation:

  • Identification and formalization of regulatory constraints (AIFM Directive, AMF instructions 2008-06 and 2012-01)
  • Formalization of the model validation
  • Application of the method to a pilot instrument
  • Update of the valuation policy
Study of the impacts of the Solvency II Directive & Implementation of SCR market calculations

Approach & Implementation:

  • Impact study of pillars 1 and 3 of the Solvency II Directive
  • Implementation of the market SCR functions in the information system
  • Restitution of the market SCR functions in the PASS insurance platform
Audit & Optimization of the reporting system

Approach & Implementation:

  • Implementation of several reports: performance report, asset allocation report, contribution report in relation to a risk factor (cash exposure, sensitivity, duration, delta…), performance attribution, calculation of ex-post risk indicators
  • Mapping of source data on all the sources/systems of the company
  • Creation of a data dictionary with “target” data proposals
  • Specification of calculations useful for reporting using the data in the dictionary (including formulas for calculating exposure for each asset)
  • Formulation of various proposals: simplification of the data source method and cost, optimization of the processing of accounting position inventory data, OTC analytics data, implementation of reporting models on a case-by-case basis